Be refreshed with Wolf of the Willows refreshing hard seltzer


I’m a cheeky fan of the hard seltzer craze that has swept Australia in the past 12 months. Yes, we’re getting the American versions from across the pond but right here in Australia, we’re making the best hard seltzers man can buy.

The Wolf of the Willows range of hard seltzers are absolutely no exception. The brewery was kind enough to send ahead a couple of samples including their natural cola, ginger & lime and pineapple & mango.

The drink I was most excited for was the natural cola and boy was my excitement actualised. The cola was great, it tasted just like those fancy off-brand colas you get but it obviously had a little alcoholic kick. With only a fraction of the calories that a usual cola has, I’m struggling to find the downsides here.

I went into the cola experience with a little bit of trepidation, I was worried it was going to taste like a funky Jack & Coke. I could not have been more wrong. And at only 99 calories per can, there’s little-to-no downside.

Ginger & lime was another high scorer in my books. As a self-proclaimed ginger and lemon tea aficionado, I’m all over this kind of combination and having it in a drink was a beautiful choice. Citrus-based flavours work wonderfully in seltzers, and this is no exception.

And the final flavour in the pack is pineapple & mango, a fruity flavour that looks like it could rule BBQs and gatherings this summer. The refreshing combination is much more in line with some of the other seltzers on the market, but Wolf of the Willows does a great job with this brew.

All up, if you’re going with seltzers this summer, give Wolf of the Willows a shout as you won’t be disappointed. If you want to change it up a little or just want to try one of Australia’s many unique brews, try the alcoholic cola – I’ll be heading back for some more.


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Sean Carroll

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