Cooper’s Hill Cheese Run


Running down a steep hill in pursuit of a 4kg round lump of cheese seems quite silly in theory but try telling that to the competitors who flock to Cooper’s Hill in Gloucester each year.

What started as a tradition purely for the residents of the area has now turned into a world famous event and despite many injuries occurring during the race each year; it continues to draw plenty of cheese racers. This adage, ‘Slow and steady wins the race,’ certainly doesn’t ring true in the case of the Cooper’s Hill Cheese Run as the wheels of cheese can reach up to a staggering 110km/h. The first to cross the finish line wins the block of cheese and no doubt basks in all the glory that rains from spectators who gather to catch a glimpse of the annual Spring Bank holiday event.

Check out the video below to see how steep the hill is – it’s insane!

So if cheese is a winner on your palate and running down hills builds excitement from within, the Cheese Run should definitely be on your bucket list.


About Author

Justin Felix

Editor of ManSpace magazine, Justin Felix has a thing for outdoor adventures, craft beers, fishing and typewriters.


Name: Justin ‘hop tart’ Felix
Beer experience: Super welterweight
Style preference: IPA and pale ales
Beers I avoid: Anything that doesn’t deliver a punch of flavour. Smack me in the face with it.
Beer philosophy: It’s about quality, not quantity... but I’ll happily try as many as it takes to find what I’m looking for.

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